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Women Empowerment

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the pursuit of women empowerment resonates as a beacon of hope amid complex socio-political challenges. Against a backdrop of historical inequities and conflict, women in the DRC have long been resilient agents of change, yet often marginalized from decision-making processes and deprived of equal opportunities. Uvira, a region in the South Kivu Province (Eastern part of DRC), within the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has experienced prolonged conflict and instability, resulting in widespread displacement, violence, and human rights abuses.

In such contexts, women are disproportionately affected, facing increased vulnerability to sexual and gender-based violence, exploitation, and marginalization. Secondly, women in Uvira often lack access to education, healthcare and economic opportunities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and inequality among the women. In Uvira DRC women are considered to be a “thing” because they are considered to having no value.

Due to the hardships and marginalization of women and the girl child in Congo (DRC) especially in Uvira, Congo for Christ Center came up with an initiative to empower and give hope to the women in the community. It is said when you empower a woman you empower the whole community and the nation at large.

Congo for Christ Center plan to do this through: providing education to child mothers, adult education to women, vocational training, psychological and economic support hence enabling women to become active participants in the social and economic development of their communities. This will help improve their well-being, increase their resilience when faced by adversity, promote community resilience and promote sustainable development in Uvira and the country at large.

To support the Women Empowerment program

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