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Who We Are

Congo for Christ Center (CCC) is a Christian Non-Governmental Organisation established on November 4, 2007, by Pastor RUKUKUYE JEREMIAH. The organisation is located in the City of Uvira, South Kivu Province in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. CCC’s main purpose is to bring hope to the hopeless and desperate people in the community and to raise future responsible leaders with Christian values.

James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

CCC is involved in raising orphans and assisting the vulnerable in the community. The organisation works in community development (child care, education, women empowerment, kujitegemea (self-sustenance), Health, and Community Outreach departments).

Our Mission

Our mission is to train and prepare future leaders and give hope to disadvantaged people in the community, pursuing scientific excellence and acquiring practical skills to become economically independent and responsible.

Our Vision

Our vision is to give hope to the hopeless in the community and raise future responsible leaders with Christian values.

Our core values

Dependence on God

Honesty, Integrity & transparency

Competence, teamwork & mutual respect

Serve the diminished in the community

Equal treatment for all

Provision of quality services

Our Objectives

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