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Child Care (Child Protection)

Child protection is one of the main reasons for the establishment of Congo for Christ Center. After a decade of wars in Democratic Republic of Congo and mostly the Eastern part of the country, God gave Pastor Jeremiah a burden in a dream when he was studying Bible College in Kenya to rescue and raise the orphaned kids who were left by their parents due to the wars and other natural issues in his homeland Congo.

In 2007, CCC Children’s Homes was established. The home mentors, assists, and educates vulnerable children and orphans from the community, preparing them to become future responsible community leaders with Christian values. Children enter the homes at the age of 2 and leave as adults. The home is located on the hills of Rugembe with a great view of the Lake Tanganyika on the East, the Mitumba hills on the West and on the South the Kalimabenge river. CCC welcomes new orphaned children depending on the available space, the level of vulnerability, financial capacity to support their needs and provides them with shelter, bedding, other basic needs such as education, health, Christian upbringing, and development.

Since the establishment of the orphanage 96 children have benefited from the care of the orphanage. From that number 39 kids have graduated their secondary education with their secondary certificates, 12 have sat for vocational trainings in the field of tailoring and automobile mechanics and 25 kids have gone through their colleges and university education in different fields including medicine, Engineering, Marketing, social work, IT, Entrepreneurship etc. More kids are still in the pursuing other certificates from different universities and colleges.

To support a Child

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