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Community Outreach

Development is a topic that arises and is widely discussed by governments institution and even ordinary people. Development is about people lives, communities and it is not something that can be categorized through measurements. Community development hold foot in many spheres of our history including education, economic, sociology, political, urban as well as regional planning and it is one of the most diversified practice in history.

In many circles of development, Christians organization have good background and operate extensively in communities in provision of social services, health, education and act as community organizers.

There are three objectives of sustainable development in society: economic development, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. community development practice is a crucial empowerment method for the people and this empowerment occurs through community activities and community efforts taking place by the guidance of a development worker. Congo for Christ Center has embarked this by initiating different activities and projects in our community and this helps to create employment to the people and hence help to reduce the poverty level. It is also help to increase the value of our community in different ways.

For instance, in 2023 Congo for Christ Center constructed a feeder road which has been in a bad condition for many years. The road is 1200 meters long and this road connect the community and the CCC ministry from the national road number 5 in the city of Uvira South Kivu Province. Through the construction of this more than 1000 people from the community worked and they earned salaries and the construction materials were bought from the neighborhood and this helped to increase the sources of income of this community. After the completion of the construction of this road, the value of the Rugembe which is the community where we did the construction has increased and a place that no one would like to be associated with in the past but now through community development project everyone wants to be part of this community.

Despite this Congo for Christ Center works hand in hand with the community in training and supporting developmental project by the community to make sure that we are able to create a self-dependent community. The community acknowledges that role of Christians is not solely to preach and spread evangelism, but also to be included in progressive development and we believe in this too. In order to have a stable community engaging in community work helps to create a stable community full of hope.

Our Activities

To support the Community Outreach Dept

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