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CCC through the Community Outreach department participates in the transformation process of our nation by discipling the community through different programs such as the feeding program services, teens seminars, peacekeeping activities, Apostolat and the CCC choir. We have witnessed and seen positive fruits from the evangelical activities in our community. Through this many people have given their lives to Jesus Christ. Other kids have get a chance to have a scholarship to study and prepare their future lives. We have seen some of the kids and community members from Islamic religion being converted and becoming active servants in the body of Christ. At CCC alone 53 kids have been baptized and dedicated their lives to Christ.

Through the feeding program services, we have seen God doing amazing things in our community. We have a case of Brother Kiza Magumu Adolph, who was addicted to alcohol and drugs. His life was miserably and he couldn’t perform his duties as the head of the family. Poverty and addiction both contributed to him not being able to serve his family as needed. His wife was selling illegal alcohol to make ends meet. His first born called Merci Amani was active in the feeding program services.

When CCC ministry received some education scholarship from Kicheko Goods, Merci Amani was among the kids who were selected to study. A smart boy who couldn’t go to school because his father was affected by addiction and he was not responsible. But God opened a door for him through Kicheko to study. This was the turning point for Mr, Kiza Magumu and his family. They couldn’t believe that their son was able to go back to school and continue with his education. After this he started going to Church even though at first it was not easy for him but with time things started going on well.

In 2022 Kiza Magumu took a bold decision and he was baptized and dedicated his life to Jesus Christ. His evolution process from then is amazing to see what God is doing in his life. Kiza Magumu who once served in the rebel groups in the 90s as a child soldier now he is a responsible God-fearing leader. He is very active in the church activities and at the church right now he is a deacon and he is working with the CCC ministry as the Supervisor of the Security department.

This has led to the transformation of this family because his wife who once sold illegal brew now she is an intercessor in the church has touched many people in the community who once knew about their past and now they are witnessing a new being. All his kids are now studying and he is feeling proud about this.

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